Postcard Exchange

TL;DR: I have started a postcard exchange. Send me a postcard from anywhere and I’ll send one back!


Bruno Resende
PO Box 2116
Vancouver, BC V6B 3T5


Make sure to include a return address if you wish to receive a postcard in response!

Check with your local postal service whether you can mail postcards with a return address, as you may need to place it in an envelope for it to be processed properly.

What will you send back?

  • A postcard!

    I’ll send you a postcard from my collection. I have a large set from Vancouver, but also a few obscure ones from around the world. The postcard will be picked at random.

  • OR, a 4x6" print!

    If you wish, you may also request a print from my photo gallery. In this case, I’ll send back a 4x6" (10x15cm) print from any of my photos I’ve taken around the world, which may be some landscape, a bird, a car, a building, or something else!

    If there’s a particular photo from my gallery you’d like, include the photo ID in your postcard message, which you can find by clicking the share button in the photo’s page.

    For example, for this photo, the ID is i-4Jdfgrj.

Please make sure your return of choice is mentioned in your postcard’s message. If no indication is present, I’ll reply with a postcard.

When should I expect a response?

I’ll check the postal box at least once a week, and postal delivery times can vary from days-weeks in Canada, to weeks-months internationally, each way. They don’t call it snail-mail for nothing. Please be patient! I see this as a fun exercise in patience and asynchronous communication.

Can I send you something else?

Please refrain from sending anything other than a postcard or perhaps a photo print of your own work. My PO Box is small, and larger objects may be returned or require a fee to be collected, which I won’t pay. So please, let’s keep this to tiny mementos.

I’ll discard anything that doesn’t fit the spirit of this project, so please don’t send personal photos, business proposals, spam, etc. Thank you for playing along!

What about my address? That’s personal information!

Indeed. You have my promise I won’t use that information for any purpose other than to send your response item, and I’ll do my best to erase your address from your postcard once I receive it. If you send your postcard in an envelope, that makes it easier. Also, check your local postal service for alternative delivery services, such as a PO box, neighborhood mail lockers, etc. Some postal services offer services that let you mail individual items to your local branch, from where you can pick it up for a fee. That being said, if you’re not comfortable sharing your address, but still wish to send a postcard, that is fine too! I’ll be happy to keep it, and if you include some other contact information, I’ll make sure to thank you through that.

How long do I have?

I’ve rented the PO Box for six months, and it is scheduled to be closed on 1st Sept, 2024. Keep in mind delivery times can be up to a month in some cases. If this project turns out to be popular, I might keep it going for longer. If I decide to end it, I’ll make sure to mention it here.

Now let’s get mailin’!